- 注意還有[10:00~測資總開始時間]以及[測資總結束時間~18:00]這兩段空檔。
- 輸入的資料並不會以開始時間來作排序,排序得自己排。
/* UVa 10191 Longest Nap */
/* Author: Maplewing [at] knightzone.studio */
/* Version: 2012/03/29 */
using namespace std;
typedef pair<int,int> Time;
struct Schedule_item{
Time start;
Time end;
bool cmp( Schedule_item a, Schedule_item b ){
if( a.start.first < b.start.first ) return true;
else if( a.start.first == b.start.first && a.start.second < b.start.second ) return true;
return false;
int main(){
Time time1, time2, now, nap;
int minutes, num, day = 1, sc_index;
string s;
Schedule_item *sc;
while( scanf( "%d", &num ) != EOF ){
now.first = 10;
now.second = 0;
minutes = 0;
sc_index = 0;
sc = new Schedule_item [num+5];
for( int i = 0 ; i < num ; i++ ){
scanf( "%d:%d %d:%d", &time1.first, &time1.second, &time2.first, &time2.second );
getline( cin, s );
sc[sc_index].start = time1;
sc[sc_index++].end = time2;
sort( sc, sc+num, cmp );
for( int i = 0 ; i < num ; i++ ){
if( sc[i].start.first > now.first || (sc[i].start.first == now.first && sc[i].start.second > now.second ) ){
if( (sc[i].start.first - now.first) * 60 + (sc[i].start.second - now.second) > minutes ){
minutes = (sc[i].start.first - now.first) * 60 + (sc[i].start.second - now.second);
nap.first = now.first;
nap.second = now.second;
now.first = sc[i].end.first;
now.second = sc[i].end.second;
if( (18 - now.first) * 60 + (0 - now.second) > minutes ){
minutes = (18 - now.first) * 60 + (0 - now.second);
nap.first = now.first;
nap.second = now.second;
printf( "Day #%d: the longest nap starts at %02d:%02d and will last for ", day++, nap.first, nap.second );
if( minutes >= 60 )
printf( "%d hours and ", minutes/60 );
printf( "%d minutes.\n", minutes%60 );
return 0;