可以利用二分搜尋法去找。由於除了唯一一個數字不是成對出現,其餘的數字都是成對出現,故如果唯一的數字尚未出現的話,陣列索引值為偶數的數字會和它的下一個數字相同(ex. nums[0] == nums[1]
、nums[2] == nums[3]
);但若唯一的數字出現過的話,則後面的全部數字就會變成陣列索引值為偶數的數字會和它的上一個數字相同(ex. nums[4]
為答案,接下去就會是 nums[5] == nums[6]
、nums[7] == nums[8]
* LeetCode 540. Single Element in a Sorted Array *
* Author: Maplewing [at] knightzone.studio *
* Version: 2020/05/12 *
const val NOT_FOUND = -1
class Solution {
fun singleNonDuplicate(nums: IntArray): Int {
val indexRange = 0 until nums.size
var leftBound = indexRange.start
var rightBound = indexRange.endInclusive
while (leftBound <= rightBound) {
val currentIndex = leftBound + (rightBound - leftBound) / 2
val nextIndex = currentIndex + 1
val previousIndex = currentIndex - 1
var secondIndex = currentIndex
if (nextIndex in indexRange && nums[currentIndex] == nums[nextIndex]) {
secondIndex = nextIndex
} else if (previousIndex in indexRange && nums[currentIndex] == nums[previousIndex]) {
secondIndex = currentIndex
} else return nums[currentIndex]
if (secondIndex % 2 == 1) {
leftBound = secondIndex + 1
} else {
rightBound = secondIndex - 2
// According to the problem description, this will not be achieved.
return NOT_FOUND