#UVa:253-Cube painting

灆洢 2012-10-20 23:53:50



/* UVa 253 Cube painting                               */
/* Author: Maplewing [at] knightzone.studio            */
/* Version: 2012/10/20                                 */
using namespace std;

int main(){
  string input;
  string cube[2];
  bool used[3];
  while( getline( cin, input ) ){
    cube[0] = input.substr( 0, 6 );
    cube[1] = input.substr( 6, 6 );

    fill( used, used+3, false ); 
    for( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ){
      for( int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ ){
        if( !used[j] && 
            ((cube[1][j] == cube[0][i] && cube[1][5-j] == cube[0][5-i]) ||
              cube[1][5-j] == cube[0][i] && cube[1][j] == cube[0][5-i]) ){
          used[j] = true;

    if( used[0] && used[1] && used[2] ) printf( "TRUE\n" );
    else printf( "FALSE\n" );
  return 0;

在〈“#UVa:253-Cube painting”〉中有 2 則留言

  1. anonymous表示:

    For case like rgbrgbrgrbgb (123456 and 124356) correct answer should be FALSE, as reflection must be used to put them the same, but your code generates TRUE.

    • In your case, we can rotate these cubes with the axis through the g-g face to put them as the same, so it is TRUE.
      And in the statement about the input of the problem, it said "(Reflections are not allowed.)".

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