/* UVa 253 Cube painting */
/* Author: Maplewing [at] knightzone.studio */
/* Version: 2012/10/20 */
using namespace std;
int main(){
string input;
string cube[2];
bool used[3];
while( getline( cin, input ) ){
cube[0] = input.substr( 0, 6 );
cube[1] = input.substr( 6, 6 );
fill( used, used+3, false );
for( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ){
for( int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ ){
if( !used[j] &&
((cube[1][j] == cube[0][i] && cube[1][5-j] == cube[0][5-i]) ||
cube[1][5-j] == cube[0][i] && cube[1][j] == cube[0][5-i]) ){
used[j] = true;
if( used[0] && used[1] && used[2] ) printf( "TRUE\n" );
else printf( "FALSE\n" );
return 0;
For case like rgbrgbrgrbgb (123456 and 124356) correct answer should be FALSE, as reflection must be used to put them the same, but your code generates TRUE.
In your case, we can rotate these cubes with the axis through the g-g face to put them as the same, so it is TRUE.
And in the statement about the input of the problem, it said "(Reflections are not allowed.)".